Thursday, May 27, 2010

When I came back to the blogging website and realized that it had been nearly a half year since I had posted, I had a jolt of fear shoot through me. I once read a routine by a comedian (or it might have been someone else that was not a comedian) who talked about a humorously pathetic individual who had a blog with only three posts, all apologizing for not posting more often. I don't want to be that person. So no apologies.

I carefully considered the blogging project that lasted a whole hour, until my attention span ran out. It was almost embarrassing that I had lost interest in it so quickly. I thought about erasing the blog and trying to delete all evidence that I had ever started it. But I couldn't figure out how to do I didn't.

I have actually been doing some writing. I don't often have a blank piece of paper, or a pen, or a cohesive thought to write down. But, coincidentally I have found myself in possession of all three of those items a number of times in the past few weeks, and written some musings on my life and thoughts. Alright, I stole that from John Knowles. I admit it. We can move on now.

The point is that its not important what you say, or how often you have something to say, or even that the title of your blog has no bearing on what you find yourself typing about at any given time. The important thing is that you say something.

In conclusion... Avatar was way overrated.


  1. Really? Neal came home with his hair blown straight back from the visual impact. He totally loved it. (I didn't go.) I'd love to hear why you think this way.

  2. I agree. Overrated. Yes, visually interesting. But the plot was not that great. Fern gully in space.

  3. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the film. I thought it was well made and well performed. But there is a problem with a movie that is billed as the number one movie in America, the best movie of the year, the movie that everyone tells you is stunning. It can never live up to the hype. Its been talked up so much that it can only be disappointing.
